Magi Myggen, self-described as a Transformational Interior Designer has been voted “Best of Santa Barbara” for 7 years in a row by the Santa Barbara Independent’s Readers’ Poll. Specializing in the ancient Chinese Art of Feng Shui, among other modalities, she is known for a masterful ability to create beautiful, functional environments that truly support the human experience. “When the senses are honored, the Spirit soars” is a theme of Magi’s unique approach to Interior Design. “The spaces we live in truly shape and reflect the quality of our lives. I assist people in discovering their own unique and authentic beauty, their passions and purpose in life, then building environments to match.”
Magi Myggen comes from a diverse Arts background, but trained extensively in the practice of Feng Shui as a fundamental tool in her work. Her primary teacher was noted author, Terah Collins, who founded The Western School of Feng Shui in San Diego, California. After graduating as a Feng Shui practitioner in 1997, Magi took on a broad range of design projects, developing her skills on the job. Today she heads up Intuit- Design, based in Santa Barbara California, applying her talents to assist builders and architects, city planners, developers, business owners, home owners and room-renters, to maximize the potential of any environment. Her clients praise her ability to understand their individual needs and personal preferences, from simple personal-space layouts to complex business-flow solutions.