Julia LogginsJulia Loggins was born “allergic to the twentieth century.” Her body’s reactions to environmental pollutants, toxic foods, and household chemicals spawned life-threatening asthma by the time she was age five. By 10, Julia suffered with migraines, bleeding ulcers, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis–plus diverticulitis. While on steroids for 12 years, she endured three near-death scares due to anaphylactic shock. Her family lost hope that she would live past her teens.

It Takes Guts to be Happy! by Julia LogginsHealing did not happen overnight, but Julia finally found the keys out of her Hell! For the next ten years, she was lucky to be invited to study with pioneers of the natural health movement, as well as icons in mind-body psychology.

Meanwhile, as she built her hydrocolon therapy practice, the first round of clients who came were seriously ill and had lost all hope and will power. Since then, in 37 years of practice, she has lead thousands to find the will power and tools to heal their digestion, shed bloat and brain fog, and activate the high energy they thought only belonged to top-shelf athletes.

Dare to Detoxify! by Julia LogginsJulia also studied the work of Bob Hoffman and Dr. Ernest Pecci, MD, who created the Hoffman Process. They launched an incredible program designed to reveal family patterns that can cause illness, low self-esteem, and create limitations. (This program is now offered as an eight-day course.) The first step of physical detoxification is critical, of course. However, emotional detoxification may also be necessary for complete healing. Learning the Hoffman Process, she discovered how integral healing the mind is to healing the body!

* See Julia Loggins' video testimonial about publishing coach, Deborah S. Nelson.