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Discover the Newest Secret

If only the best will do, this Platinum Vision Kit aims to supercharge your being—kryptonite will not compromise you. The Newest Secret curriculum leads you through an inner journey to bring out the best in you! Plus, a 120-minute private session with Author-Coach Deborah S. Nelson, who has reinvented herself seven times over, will inspire you to greatness.
After spending decades in the printing and publishing business, Ms. Nelson created some very practical resources. These tools, tips, and tricks that will save you time money and frustration—and will help push you all the way through the finishing line!
The Newest Secret Vision Kit PLATINUM Edition features various tools to rewrite your life story in the form of digital downloads. Utilize your hour and a half consultation with Deborah S. Nelson when ready to work one-on-one to complete your dream journey. However, if you need extra help, purchase the $1 half-hour consultation with Deborah S. Nelson (value $97.50).
PLATINUM Newest Secret Vision Kit Curriculum
Busting Negative Thought Habits: 10 Episodes | $34.00 |
The Newest Secret Textbook Paperback & E-book | $19.95 |
The Newest Secret Workbook Paperback & E-book | $29.95 |
120 Minute Consultation with Deborah S. Nelson | $390.00 |
Ten Dreams to Reality Steps | $7.00 |
Digital downloads must be paid in advance and are non-refundable.